QYT CB58 Newly Launched Citizen Band Radio 27MHz FM AM QYT CB-58 Handheld CB Radio


QYT CB58 Newly Launched Citizen Band Radio 27MHz FM AM QYT CB-58 Handheld CB Radio


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Original QYT CB Radio 27MHz QYT CB-58 26.965-27.405MHz FM AM Mode Citizen Band Radio CB58 4W Handheld Walkie Talkie With 4000mAh

This QYT CB-58 is our newly launched handheld CB radio, and it is also the only handheld walkie-talkie currently available on QYT.

Compatible with all handheld CB radios from many brand with a BNC connector, improve quality and range to CB radio reception. The antenna design is soft, flexible and durable, works on all channel within CB radio frequency range of 26MHz to 27 MHz.

With its compact size it can be easily installed into almost any mounting location in your vehicle.


Modulation Mode:AM/FM
Frequency Range:26.965-27.405MHz
Frequency Tolerance:5.0ppm
Input Voltage:12.6V
Weight Approx:444.5g
Frequency Control:PLLSynthesizer
Operating Temperature Range:-20℃to55℃
Current Drain Receive:Squelched 0.11A
Antenna Connector:BNC

Power output:4WattsFM/AM
Transmission interferenceinferiorto:4nW(-54dBm)
Frequency Response:300-3000Hz
Modulated signal distortion:inferiorto5%
output impedance:75ohms
Image Rejection:70dB
Adjacent Channel Rejection:60dB
IF Frequencies:
1st 10.695MHz
2nd 455KHz

Less than 10dB change in audio
output for inputs from 10 to 50000uV
Squelch :less than 1uV
Audio Output Power:0.5 watts into 8 ohms

Main Feature:

▲40 Channel Multiband CB
(Incorporates 40UK/40EU channels plus other European and North American frequency bands)
▲TFT LCD Display
▲8 Optional Channels
▲Automatic Squelch function
▲Squelch level adjustable
▲Receive gain control adjustment
▲Editable channel scan
▲Shortcut channel 9/19
▲NB/ANL wave filter
▲Audio high frequency cancellation
▲Keyboard Lock

Battery Model: WB58L
Battery Capacity:4100mAh
Battery Watt Hours: 49.2Wh

Weight 0.8 kg
Dimensions 300 × 400 × 100 cm


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